Premium Listing Information

The Reason We Are Offering Premium Listings.

Since 1998 has been publishing information on motorcycle events. For the last few years we have been receiving more event information than we have been able to post. We understand the frustration caused when people submit information to our website yet the information does not appear on our website.

The fact is we can not have editors work more than we can pay them. Despite the fact that we have many good advertisers the money from advertising is not enough to support the site adequately. We have talked with many event organizers and many have stated they would gladly pay a small amount to have their event posted on our site quickly. Publishing information on our website has always been free and we intend to keep it that way, but in order to improve the site and speed up the time it takes us to post your event we have decided to offer "premium listings".

What is a premium listing?

A premium listing is published on our website within 48 hours after we receive complete information.* A flier or photo may be attached to listings. A premium listing alows you to choose the background color or image from the options listed below. This makes your event stand out from the others. Premium listings provide a "Win - Win - Win" advantage for everyone.

Click on the links below to see the different backgrounds available.
American Military Cemetery
American Flag
British Flag
Canadian Flag
Eagle and Flag
Eagle, Stars and Stripes
Easter Eggs
Fall Leaves
Fallen Soldier
Fighter Jets
Fire Truck
H-D Dyna
Honda Goldwing
Ocean Sunset
Orange Ribbon
New Year
Pershing Tank
Pink Ribbon
Poker Hand
Pole Dancer
Police Car
Purple Heart
Queen of Hearts
Rebel Flag
Sexy Schoolgirl
Star of David
Texas Flag
Twin Towers
WWII Corsair
Yellow Ribbon

Other backgrounds may be added as time permits. If you have an idea of a background color or image that you like to see us add just .

How do you Win?

You win because your event is published on our website within 48 hours after we receive complete information.*  Your event is gets a premium background to attract the attention of our readers and best of all you can attach a flier, or photo, for your event.

How do other event organizers win?

Event organizers win because this helps to provide us with the funds to keep editors working longer or hire more editors if needed. In effect even the people who do not purchase a premium listing will get their event posted sooner. Their event probably won't be published as fast as those who purchase the premium listing but it should be much faster than it the premium listing program did not exist.

How does win?

We win because the extra funds allow us to post more events. This allows more traffic to our website. Even though we are already one of the most visited motorcycle events websites on the internet the increased traffic will improve the value of the advertising on our site. We have never made a profit in the 10 years of operation. Maybe this will at least allow us to break even.  Also increasing the traffic on our site means more people see you event posting, meaning we all win even more.

What does it cost?

We charge $20.00 for a premium listing. Most likely getting you event published quickly on one of the most visited motorcycle event websites in the world will increase the attendance of your event enough to easily cover the fee.

Do we have to pay the $20.00 to get our event listed?

The payment is voluntary.  We realize that many events are charity events and we don't like the idea of charging at all. It is for those who wish to help us promote all motorcycle events. While the payment does guarantee your event will be published much quicker we will still publish as many events as possible as quickly as possible. Even if your event is a charity event it may be worth while to make it a premium event.

If premium events are published first, won't this program actually delay the publishing of events where people choose not to pay the fee?

The fees paid by those will be used to publish all events faster. Currently our editors are paid from the money we make on advertising.  When that money runs out we can't pay them to continue to work. The money from the premium listings allows them to work more and publish more events. While the premium listings will get published first the fee is enough to keep editors working long enough to publish a dozen or so other events. With out the fees we can't keep the editors working and all events are delayed.

Can I submit any event as a premium listing and have it published?

Not just any event. It must be a motorcycle event that meets our criteria. The restrictions on what can be posted on our site and what can't be posted remain the same. Your event must be a motorcycle event, where participants use their motorcycle in an organized motorcycle activity. We also publish information on motorcycle swap meets (with some restrictions). See our publishing requirements by clicking on the button below. Your event will still be edited by our staff  to meet our publishing criteria just as the unpaid submissions are. If you are not sure if your event qualifies, please submit it anyway. The worst that can happen is you would be turned down. If you paid for a premium listing, your credit card will not be charged.


I have previously submitted my event but would like to upgrade it to a premium listing. Can I do that?

Simply click on the link below and fill in the information. If your event has not been published and we have all the information we will publish it within 48 hours.* If your event has already been published we will highlight the event and mark it as a premium listing.

There is an event that is on the website, or has been submitted to you, that I would like to promote as a premium listing. The event is not my event. Can I help them by paying to make it a premium listing?

Yes. I'm sure they would appreciate the help. We also appreciate the help it gives us.

Click here to go back to the submit form

You will be asked after completion of the submit form if you would like to upgrade or not. If you upgrade your event will be posted within 48 hours.* If you do not upgrade your event will be posted as soon as possible.  You are not obligated to upgrade but doing so will help everyone.

Click here to upgrade an event that has already been submitted

* We will publish premium events with in 48 hours after we receive all the required information or we receive payment, which ever is last. For example: If you pay for your event but you forget to enter the start time we will call you to get the info. We will publish the event within 48 hours from the time we receive the information. The 48 hours does not include weekends or U.S. National Holidays. Events that have start locations in more than one state will require one listing per state.