Use this form to update information on an event that has been published on this site, or has been submitted but not yet published. Do not use this form to add a new event.

We are not interested in adding non-motorcycle information. For example: if you want us to add the names of all the bands playing at your event, your request will be ignored.

Enter this information to help us identify your existing information. Enter the information as we currently have it. Don't enter the new information at this point.

Enter the current name of the event:

Enter the city that we have listed for this event:  (If you are moving it to another city, give us the old city location.)

Enter the state, province, or country that we have listed for this event:

Enter the date we have for this event. (If you are moving it to another date, give us the old date.)

The information above helps us find the event in our database.  Now we need the information that needs to be changed. We have provided two text areas. In the first simply tell us what needs to be removed.  If nothing needs to be removed simply leave it blank.  The second text area is for information that needs to be added. If nothing needs to be added just leave it blank.  If you need to replace information, simply tell us what to take out in the first box and what needs to be put in it's place in the second.

Tell us what existing information needs to be removed:

 Tell us what needs to be added. Please give us simple and factual information.

Please enter your e-mail address in case we have questions:

Please enter your phone number in case we have questions:

If we have questions we will normally contact you by e-mail but we may call you should the need arise.  If we are unable to contact you no changes will be made to the event information. .